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Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Understanding and Mystery!

Son, I formed you in My Heart desiring that you would have a balanced design. Even then, I knew when and where you were destined to live. While I am surrounded by glory, you were going to live surrounded with chaos. With a balanced design, you would be empowered to live without being thrown off by all the chaos, while also able to resist the chaotic influences trying to shape you. You would in fact excel and stand out in that environment. That would make you a target to attack while also being sought after or pursued by others. I know you have experienced the reality of all of this.

As a child, you explored all the immature and, yet to be developed raw resources of your life. Because I formed you with both discernment and knowledge, you were able to conclude that you could make something great out of all that I had designed into you. You then made your own choices of how to use those resources to form a phenomenally successful and the self-made man that you have become. You have worked hard and challenged yourself all along the way.

While, as your Father, I marvel at how well you have done, I miss the son I formed. Even approaching you now, I am aware that once you choose something you are tenacious in pursuing it and almost never change your direction. Yet here I am offering you the opportunity to move towards My original design of you and away from your self-made design.

I was there with you as you decided that it was a better option for you, to pursue things you could learn to understand rather than to experience things you could know but could never understand. You chose understanding over mystery. That choice both explains the path of your life and the current place you find yourself in, leaving you susceptible to the atmosphere of chaos. Without the balance gained from wisdom, chaos continues to shape your life and the depth of knowledge that you have gained does not have the power to resist it.

Wisdom is achieved in the interwoven flow of acquired knowledge and the encounters with experiences that are real, but never understood (mystery). You opted for knowledge while rejecting mystery causing you to erect walls imprisoning your experience (mystery) side. The cost of all your wall construction has been to deform and distort your knowledge side.

The fruit of wisdom is found in a rich life. I made you to experience and enjoy a rich life! It is for that reason (experiencing and enjoying a rich life) that I designed you to live close to Me. It is equally for that reason that you have pulled away from Me and extended your walls to keep us apart.

Your knowledge side was formed to serve and be of value to mankind while your experience side (mystery) was designed to provoke you to explore the mysteries of my kingdom. It was the balance of knowledge and mystery that would draw us together and through which the people of your generation, for whom I have been obscured, could glimpse true pleasure and true delight through their encounters with us.

Thus, this encounter today.


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