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Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

My Superhero Son!

They said that you were not going to live. You lived! And in so doing became My overcoming son. At the moment, you have made it very clear that you are not happy with who I made you to be. That puts us at odds. The distance that has developed between us is just one more place for overcoming.

You were born to be My superhero, overcoming son. At your birth you were already like me, designed to overcome death and you did! I never made you to be overwhelmed, overshadowed, or overlooked.

When you first experienced the tenderness of your heart, it was in the atmosphere of the cruelty of this world. That developed a belief in you that you were made to feel that pain and I was the one responsible for it. That belief has left you feeling that I did you wrong, and you have been overwhelmed ever since.

As you grew it wasn’t long before you discovered that almost everyone was bigger, stronger, and more self-centered than you. Everyone around you seemed to overshadow you. The anger, resentments, and feeling of unfairness became rooted in a belief that I had made you a victim of your world, making Me more cruel than the world. This has overshadowed your life with no apparent way out.

Because I made you an overcomer you started searching for a way to overcome the slow death of your life experiences. This reality just added to the cruelty you already experienced because you found no one who could help you. You began to feel like you were invisible. People seemed to reach out to you at times, but their “help” never seemed to help.

Somehow, they kept overlooking the real you. You responded to the pain by shutting down and becoming even more invisible. So, in your search for help, your culture has offered you many ways to cope and survive but none of them worked to overcome. Each attempt has damaged your mind, hardened your emotions, isolated you from others, and reinforced your belief that I have done you wrong.

I know you are unwilling to deny our relationship, but you are equally unwilling to make yourself anymore vulnerable to Me. That leaves both of us trapped in an unworkable place. You can’t trust Me and access all the provisions I have in place for you, and I can’t experience the joy, love, fulfillment, and delight that would be mine in sharing in your overcoming victory and the fulfillment of your identity.

My son, how do you want this to work out? When I formed you, I desired to be your provision for what you need to be fulfilled as an overcomer. So, I “stacked the deck” in My favor. That is why nothing else has worked out for you. I made you tender with a desire for intimacy. I set in place your vulnerability so you would seek security in Me, and I gave you many skills, desires, and opportunities so that you would always seek Me out, to delight Me as a father in all your pursuits.

I have both a desire and a plan to rehabilitate your mind, restore your strength, your balance, and the stability of your emotions, along with releasing and reenergizing you as an overcomer.

When I formed you, I placed in you the desire to be an overcomer. It still lays dormant beneath the rubble of you being overwhelmed, overshadowed, and overlooked. Will you trust Me to call it to life?

If you will, I promise you the victories of an overcomer which will validate you as an "overcomer". The miracle you desire isn’t a one-time move on My part that suddenly restores everything. Every time you respond to a situation as an "overcomer", it releases My power and produces an overcoming miracle-powered outcome! Can you accept that if I acted to fix and restore you all at once, I would violate you and steal from you your identity as an overcomer?

I desire you to experience the deep and passionate expression of My presence, love, and devotion which embraces an overcomer every time they challenge life’s relentless demands. What I am offering is what you have longed for your entire life: passion, presence, love, devotion, and acceptance.

The following describe your identity.

I am a superhero, tender hearted son of my Father, made to be an overcomer in life. My victories as an overcomer flow from my desire for intimacy, my vulnerability, and, ultimately, from believing Father’s promises to me of victory.


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