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Spiritual Elegance! #3

SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, FATHER SPOKE THE FOLLOWING TO ME. “I have been unveiling this season of victory to you for months. It is those clothed in the living garment of Liberation* who will see the victory coming and through whom it will come. You and the others I am inviting have never seen or experienced a season of Spiritual Elegance before. I am inviting you to learn how to waltz with My Spirit.”

□ In response to this word I began to search for understanding.

□ According to Webster’s Dictionary, elegance means refined grace. Elegance comes from the Latin elegantia and portrays taste, propriety, or refinement.

□ One of the things the “new wine” does is provides for “the Bride’s” preparation and comes accompanied by the Holy Spirit who has been commissioned by Father to school us in the ways of Spiritual Elegance .

□ When Father’s prophetic word comes with a specific term like “waltz”, it becomes incumbent on us to search out its deeper meaning in the context of His Father heart.

□ Since on this occasion the word came to me personally, apparently to develop a refined grace, I will need to submit to spiritual dance lessons if I am going to be prepared to “waltz” with the King one day and be attuned to His “rhythm”.

□ For me that was and still is a challenge because of the beliefs that were formed in me as a child and the things I was restricted from learning. I grew up in a church where dancing of any kind and in every setting was a sin and doing so meant that you were becoming a partner with evil. I had no clue or understanding of what a waltz was conceived to be, much less how it was done. So what follows is where my discovery journey has led me thus far.

Father’s Vision And Design For Spiritual Elegance

Spiritual Elegance is exclusively expressed through the promises Father has made to us and how His unchanging faithfulness is reflected by our works of faith, labor, of love and patient hope.

Heb. 10:23 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful.” NKJV

□ We have hope because Father made us promises that are guaranteed because He is faithful!

I Thess. 1:3 “…Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ…” NKJV

□ Your “work of the new wineskin faith”:

□ Our new wineskin faith is built on Father’s promises to us. It is our belief in those promises that gives us hope. It is hope that becomes faith and faith is what pleases God!

□ Your “labor of new wineskin love”:

□ New wineskin love is always initiated by Father to us. It must then be shared between the two of us(Father & me) but ultimately only finds fulfillment as that love is expressed through us to others.

□ Your “patience of new wineskin promise-based hope”:

□ New wineskins promise-based hope is the stimulates for confidence and contentment in life.

□ Our fears and anxieties are always stimulated by the absence of hope.

Is there something about Spiritual Elegance and “new wine skin faith, love, or hope” that is stirring in you?

I’m stirred by how understanding Father’s promises to me alters me daily and renews my hope even as hope disappears from my culture.

Keep watching for these posts, the next post introduces us to the waltz!

* Garment of Liberation is a term from my book “The Unveiling” which records a vision I had more than 25 years ago.


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