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Spiritual Elegance! #2


Jesus instructed us that new wine can’t be poured into old containers made for a different vintage of wine.

Mark 2:22 And who would pour new wine into an old wineskin? Eventually the wine will ferment and make the wineskin burst, losing everything—the wine will be spilled, and the wineskin ruined. Instead, new wine is always poured into new wineskins.” TPT

That Means We Must Be Willing To Do This:

□ Release the spiritual traditions which served the “former thing”,

□ Do away with our favorite spiritual expressions of the “former thing”,

□ Eliminate our familiar patterns for expressing the “former thing”.

What Will Happen If We Are Unwilling To Do This:

□ When Father has begun to serve the “new wine” which restores fathers to their children and children to their fathers and if it flows into the old wine skins, it will become the source of Christian nationalism and puritan orthodoxy perverting the Church and its role and place on the earth.

Since Father is serving the “new wine” for the Bride’s preparation, if the church lacks the right wineskins to receive it, the wine become the pox on the Church of narcissism and self-indulgence.

□ Since Father has started drenching us with “new wine” to restore the distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous, and if our only containers to receive the “new wine” are left over from a previous vintage, the “new wine” will become the source of hate and war. A path to redemption will be non-existent.

Are you willing or unwilling to leave the former things and become a receiver of the

new thing?


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