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Special Bonus Post!


Recently I gathered with a group of mature sincere intercessors seeking heaven’s intervention in some of the current challenges of our world. Their focus turned to the disturbing and increasingly vicious war between Russia and the Ukraine. As they were crying out for God to bring down judgment on those responsible for that war, it seemed that I heard a quiet, almost reflective, whisper from Father’s heart; “Why doesn’t someone ask Me what I am saying to Vladimir Putin”? My inquiry produced this heart-to-heart, Spirit-to-spirit conversation.

I ask; ”What are you currently talking with Vladimir Putin about”?

Father said, “I keep reminding him that I reached down far into the ranks of men desiring to be the leader of Russia and chose him. When I chose Vladimir, I was choosing a man after My heart, like David, who could lead in the same way David did. I now keep offering a pathway of hope to him. I keep reminding him that I have never stopped believing in him and that I am convinced that he will “get it“ during one of our conversations by acknowledging that I was the one who chose him to lead his earthly homeland.”

I asked. “Why did you choose him?”

Father responded. “He was surrounded with ruthless men and if he was going to survive, he had to have the design and nature to be more ruthless than they were. All those in power positions at that time were ruthless, narcissistic egotists, shaped and refined by evil. A mild, tender man was not going to direct them and channel their ambitions and nationalism in productive ways to serve the people of the nation on behalf of My kingdom.”

Father continued. “The people of the north are an integral part of My redemptive plan for the nations and for the fulfillment of My promise to Abraham. My redemptive promise-keeping plan has become misshapen by evil which has left Vladimir viewing Russia as needing to be positioned to dominate the nations of the earth. Because of his clouded vision he is unable to see that I have chosen him to be the ruler of a massive land, filled with limitless natural riches. Nor can he see that I raised him up to rule over an ambitious, fiercely strong, and resilient people. Yet, like so many that came before him, Vladimir never seems to view that what I blessed him with is enough in his own eyes.”

My curiosity led me to ask “so, why don’t you stop leaders like him?” From an earlier, life-altering encounter with Father, I immediately knew the answer. “I’m not the God of prevention, I am the God of redemption!” From that same encounter with Father, I learned that deep in Father’s nature He is supremely certain that by His sovereign action alone He can redeem anything, so He doesn’t have to “fix” or “alter” every action or deed birthed from a man’s wicked heart in order to accomplish His purposes.

I heard my heart asking, “We just want the killing and the injustice of war to stop. Is that wrong?”

“Do you think I cause war?” He replies with his own question of me. Then, because He was so aware of the limitations of my heart to honestly answer His question, He began to reveal His ways. “I am not the one who instigates war. Evil births war. I am the one who keeps looking for ways to restore the people of war to Me. That is at the heart of why I keep adding My voice to the cacophony of voices Vladimir is hearing. While I am all powerful, it is through influence, not power, that the way of love is expressed in My kingdom.”

Father continued, “Son, even though you ask, you cannot comprehend the sorrow that I experience over how far President Putin has separated himself from Me. The choice to distance himself from Me has rendered him unable to hear My heart for him and has left his only counsel coming from his desires, lusts, and sense of self-grandeur, all of which are now driving his actions.”

This seemingly obvious question came to my mind. “So, why do you keep talking to him?”

“I keep reaching out to search his heart and soul looking for any opportunity to connect with him in a meaningful way again. I raise up “kings.” Their enemies destroy kings. I keep searching for and offering them ways to prosper, experience blessing, and fulfill My desires for them, their nations, and their people.”

“My heart holds the same aspirations for Vladimir that it did for My son, Hezekiah. I handed him all that he would need to prosper his nation, to restore My presence in the heart of his nation, and to become a transformational leader who could display My glory on the global stage. Yet, like Samson, Vladimir has chosen to pursue his path rather than mine.”

Father, in light of what is in your heart, how are we to pray?

▫ Before you pray, let Me introduce you to the desires of My heart and the expressions of My kingdom.

▫“Even as evil continues its destructive march out of the hearts of wicked men, pray for the victory of My kingdom.”

▫ “Pray for the same spirit that I blessed Hezekiah with to find its expression in Vladimir.”

▫ “As you pray, tell me what you need from heaven's provision to be put into play now on the earth so I can release it to you.”

○ “Remember that "heaven’s peace" is greater than the turmoil of any war.”

○ "Experience that the salve of heaven’s healing” is more effective than the wretchedness of what the spirit of infirmity can do to the bodies of My children.”


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