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Run Daughter Run

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Run, Daughter, Run!

You were made to run. Run, daughter, run!

Who you appear to be to yourself and others has never been who you are in reality. You have always struggled with feeling like a displaced person. As a child, you found more of your reality in dreams than in real life experiences. For your parents, that made you a real challenge. They kept trying to raise you in reality, while you kept holding tightly to your dreams.

As you grew, you began to run. You ran after what you wanted. It was like you ran the hurdles. A challenge would pop up, no problem! You would always go over the top of them until you ran into a buzz-saw that you couldn’t jump high enough to get over.

It left you shredded and in tatters, wounded to the point of hopelessness. I watched as death became larger to you and life diminished to a place where it could barely be detected. I held your life throughout that night so that it couldn’t be taken or damaged. Your life became My miracle.

Today, you can still dream. I made you to dream. I often see you and delight in watching you like My dreamer son, Joseph. You come from a long line of dreamers. Have you noticed your dreamer father? He is a dream chaser just like you. Have you seen yet that you’re the mother of a dream chaser?

I made you to be a runner-dreamer who had ran after every dream until you encountered Mr. buzz-saw. Now as you start to run again, you will begin to outrun your own dreams. You took off your running shoes and put them away a long time ago. It is now time to fit your feet in them again. Run, daughter, run! You used to run alone. No one else “got” you. Now I have surrounded you with those who will not only run with you but cheer you and some will even outrun you.

This is your time of redemption. Even now the scabs and scars from your encounter with the buzz-saw are fading from your persona like pounds disappearing from someone on a diet.

I know your parents named you because their dream and aspiration for you was to be a mighty leader of wisdom and compassion, a prophetess to My people and so you will be. To Me, you will always be My Josephine.

I will continue to add to your life, your dreams, your strength, and your seasons; while I watch over you with increasing delight.


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