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Rite of Passage!

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

I Made You to Be!

I made you to be a rite of passage for many of your generation and those born from your generation. I formed you to be:

A launching place for those called by Me but rejected by men.

A place for gaining confidence by those sent on my behalf but reluctant to engage.

A place of liberation for those having desire but lacking wisdom.

A gift - activating place for those with desire but neglected or passed over by the Church.

A place for those in need of refreshment in their journey.

I designed you with two pillars - truth and mercy. I covered you with a lintel of refreshing and founded you on a threshold of empowerment. Since you were an incredibly young child, people have sought you out thinking you could somehow help them. For just as long you have been targeted with lies and attempts to block you by saddling you with secrets to keep and adult responsibilities that were never yours.

The plan against you was to distort and weaken you by resisting your pillar of truth while sucking lavishly from your pillar of mercy. Then stories would swirl around that you were unstable or unreliable. I have watched you coping with both the stories and the deformity that weakened your confidence in your position and place.

It is your unquenchable affection for Me that has sustained you. I have responded to your affection by placing spiritual fathers in your life, one after another, who have not only seen who I made you to be but believed in you and loved you. Most often they have not meddled in your life but have been rabid cheerleaders and worked to impart their lives into yours.

It is their fathering that has sustained you and served as a counterweight to targeted actions designed to distort and damage you. I have backed their commitment to you by keeping you open to continue to permit people to pass through and be launched into their Kingdom places, service, and victories. Even now in the strain you are experiencing, you have not withdrawn from your place of liberating and launching.

I have responded as you have voiced your desire to experience, enjoy, and thrive with more sleep, more refreshing, more physical wholeness, more vibrancy in your health and more opportunity to express and fulfill your femininity. I am rearranging your patterns, priorities, interests, employment, options, and choices. I formed your heart in My heart so it would delight Me to see the desires of your heart find fulfillment. To establish My promise, today, I have rearranged the way your flesh, body, and soul deals with anxiety. You will not experience again the treachery of anxieties that take off on their own and overwhelm you while diminishing your joy and confidence.


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