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Righteous/Unrighteous! #3


Mal.3:18 Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. TLB

The righteous establish their relationships on God.

□ The righteous find their identity in Father’s heart.

□ The righteous establish relationships based on covenant.

□ The righteous reject self-effort and rely on the Wine of Righteous Living.

As a result of the way the righteous participate in relationship, they become an attractive connecting point and bridge back to Father for any unrighteous person searching or hoping for a way out of their failed efforts.

□ The unrighteous establish their relationship out of personal desires.

□ The unrighteous search for their identity in their experiences and circumstances.

□ The unrighteous craft relationships to fulfill desires and expectations.

□ The unrighteous live with the consequences of failed self-effort.

The righteous experience redemption.

□ Redemption means to restore to original design. The righteous have experienced the reality of Fathers’ zealous love and discovered that God can redeem anything!

II Sam. 14:14 Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him. NIV

□ The unrighteous don’t believe they need redemption.

□ The effects from being separated for so long from Father’s heart have left the unrighteous living in blind deception unable to see the hope that the righteous enjoy.

□ Faith Requires Hope! Hope Requires A Promise! Father has made promises to the unrighteous. When the unrighteous don’t believe Father’s promises they are left without hope and their faith has nothing to develop from or to rest upon.

Heb. 11:1“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.” NIV

□ Father’s promises, which awaken our hope, are the primary ingredient in the Wine of Righteous Living.

□ As the righteous indulge in the Wine of Righteous Living, they continually increase hope because of the promises it includes. As the righteous experience greater certainty in Father’s promises, He positions the righteous in ways where the unrighteous can discover and desire for themselves what they are witnessing in the lives of the righteous.

Father is zealous for there to be a destination in this New Thing, so He has the Wine of Righteous Living flowing liberally. Are you enjoying it yet?

The next posting continues by revealing the nature of fulfilled promises and better blessings that sustain the righteous and are lost to the unrighteous.


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