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Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Receiver and Giver!

I made you to be a receiver and giver of good gifts. I designed you so I could give you something of great value to hold, honor, and give to someone to whom it would have great value. My favored daughter destined to receive and give. I have given you many good gifts but almost from your mother’s womb you have worked to undermine or outright destroy everything good that I have brought into your life.

You developed a way of being sneaky and breaking or hiding good things. Everyone who has tried to love you has experienced your destructive ways. Every time you destroy something you experience sorrow and regret. You vow not to do it again, but you do. Do you want the pattern to stop? You feel powerful when you can destroy valuable things. It is a reality that you hate but can’t conquer. The passion of my heart is to set you free.

When you were conceived you were a gift from Me to your father. I desired him to give you back to me but instead he rejected you almost instantly. Because of the tender sensitive daughter, I designed you to be. You felt the rejection almost immediately. In your newly forming mind, you reasoned that if you weren’t worth anything to the man who gave you life than nothing valuable was going to be worth anything. That pattern has continued until now when you are acting in specific ways to destroy your marriage.

From the first time I shared My heart for you with My son, who is now your husband, he loved who you are in My heart. He has not stopped.

I desire to end your pattern of destruction and remove the beliefs that thrive in your mind and torment your soul. You need a Father who will love and receive you. I can and want to be that Father for you. I have never withheld love or any precious gift from you. I know who I made you to be, I believe in you, and I delight in you. Your destiny, peace and joy are My victory for you. Your given name means dark. In my heart your name is Iliana, ray of light. Just as you are a ray of light in My heart, so I designed you to be a ray of light in the world and in your generation.

I have always pursued your birth father but so far, he continues to allude Me. So, will you let Me wrap my Daddy-heart around your rejected-daughter heart? I want to win your heart until you do what your father still refuses to do - to accept you, love you, and give you as a gift to Me.


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