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Messenger of Heaven

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Messenger Of Heaven!

Daughter, I am so thrilled with how I formed you, how I shaped you to be a messenger of heaven. Even in your young life when you were still becoming familiar with the sounds of earth, you were developing a comfort level with the sounds of heaven as well. You heard much of how our life here in heaven is expressed. You became intimate, not only with the sounds of heaven but with its cadence as well. Because everything in heaven originates from My heart, you also became intimately aware of the sound of My heart. That drew close scrutiny of you by the one who keeps attempting to usurp My place. When a person is given access to the cadence of My heart, they become a force that evil is determined to contain, disqualify, or destroy.

Iniquity’s plan had unfolded during your childhood and youth to the point that, when you were in Arizona, the conditions were present to bring life to the “seeds of silence” which had been planted in you. Those seeds began to grow to the place where they were able to silence the familiar sounds of heaven and, thus, the rhythms of My heart. This growing “Garden Of Silence” began to turn down the “volume” of heaven with which you had become so familiar. As the sounds and movements of heaven faded into darkness, darkness soon appeared to be your friend. There was no longer a need to confront earth’s way with the ways of heaven. Most other people could not even hear, feel, or care about them.

Iniquity conspired along with the desires and twisted passions of your own nature to convince you that the sound of Heaven was to be replaced by the dark silence where you had discovered earlier as an easier, simpler place for you to live. Even now, while the memories of Heavens sound still lingers in your heart, darkness has become your friend and companion. Instead of dreams of Heaven, your dreams began to plant more seeds of a Garden of Silence into your inner person. If the evil plan to keep you shut away from your natural Heavenly connection was going to work, you had to be closed in by an invasive garden of lies to which you would always be reacting. Soon, you were captive to the ever-growing plants in your garden of silence and darkness.

It is this atmosphere of heavenly silence you now contend with every day. You have tried many times to escape the limitations of the silence, but the “lie garden” grows faster than you can run. Every time you work to escape the silence, you end up lonelier, more wounded, diminished and broken in your own mind. You can find no one to share your silent garden with, nor can you find anyone who will even join you to try.

This is because silencing you is the reason for the garden! It isn’t aimed at anyone else. Although your children experience the reality of the garden daily, you work hard to keep it from ensnaring them. That fight is slowing giving way to hopelessness along with an ever-decreasing belief that you can make it to the end.

As your Father and Lover, I am so taken by your struggle. My heart continually desires you. Even when you try to escape the confines of the darkness and you perceive light, all it ever illuminates for you is “people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening, people writing songs that voices never share, and no one ever daring to disturb the sound of silence.” These words come from a song that I had written more than 50 years ago so that today I could reveal My love to you!

The words I had written, not only reveal your life situation but they offer no hope for ever getting free. However, they reveal the truth that the one who trapped you in this place never wants you to know how ensnared you are and that there seems to be no way out for you, just more of the same.

“Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain, Still remains, Within the sound of silence…”

“…People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share, And no one dared, Disturb the sound of silence…”

"Fools" said I, "You do not know, Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach you"

But my words like silent raindrops fell, And echoed in the wells of silence…”

About the time you were becoming an adult and the seeds of this garden were growing quickly, I again had a song written to profess My love to you and My desire for you to find your way back to My heart. I knew a day would come again when I could reach you heart to heart ! I knew that any love overture, even from Me, would need to appeal to you at a very deep place and would need to originate from somewhere other than earth. I would need to reach out to you in a ways that you had never experienced with anyone else but Me.

If I were ever going to be able to convince you to return to knowing My heart rhythms again, I would have to do it different than any man had done.

If I were ever to awaken you again to the love we shared before, it would have to be different than anyone else had tried.

If you were to ever seek to hear the sounds and rhythms of heaven again, it would have to be different than the world had ever attempted to get your attention.

If you were to ever trust Me to pick you up and carry you out of this garden of lies, it would have to be a different experience than any other rescue attempt you experienced.

This is a song, My son, Jesus sings here in Heaven daily as He expectantly waits for His wedding day. Today, it is from My heart to you, My special Lady. Perhaps your heart will remember that you used to hear it being sung as a child among the sounds of heaven.

“Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor and I love you

You have made me what I am and I'm yours

My love, there's so many ways I want to say I love you

Let me hold you in my arms forever more

You have gone and made me such a fool, I'm so lost in your love

And oh, girl we belong together, Won't you believe in my song?

Lady, for so many years I thought I'd never find you

You have come into my life and, made me whole

Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning

Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear

In my eyes I see no one else but you, There's no other love like our love

Oh yes, girl I'll always want you near me, I've waited for you for so long

Oh, lady, your love's the only love I need, And beside me is where I want you to be

'Cause, my love, my love, there's somethin' I want you to know

You're the love of my life, of my life, you're my lady, You're my lady”

I also had a love song written for your generation. As one who is destined to lead in your generation, I desire you to experience the intimacy that it describes as well. It shares a common origin with Song of Songs which I placed in the heart of Solomon, the king. Like the king and his Shulamite lover, My heart desires to engage in the intimacy of love with you.

We sing it differently here in heaven than they do on the earth, they sing it as the passion of one lover, in Heaven it is sung as the passion of two lovers. Long before you could understand the passion, your heart heard the sounds of this heaven song.

The king sings

“I can feel the magic floating in the air, Being with you get's me that way

I watch the sunlight dance across your face, And I've never been this swept away.”

His lover sings

“All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze, When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms

The whole world just fades away, The only thing I hear, Is the beating of your heart

Cause I can feel you breathe, It's washing over me

And suddenly I'm melting into you, There's nothing left to prove”

The king sings

“Baby, all we need is just to be, Caught up in the touch

Slow and steady rush, Baby, isn't that the way that love's suppose to be

I can feel you breathe, just breathe”

His lover sings

“In a way I know my heart is waking up, As all the walls come tumbling down

Closer than I've ever felt before, And I know, and you know

There's no need for words right now

I can feel you breathe

Washing over me

And suddenly I'm melting into you

There's nothing left to prove

Baby, all we need is just to be

Caught up in the touch

Slow and steady rush

Baby, isn't that the way that love's suppose to be”

The king & lover sing

“I can feel you breathe, just breathe

Caught up in the touch

Slow and steady rush

Baby, isn't that the way that love's suppose to be

I can feel you breathe, just breathe

I can feel the magic floating in the air

Being with you gets me that way”

My Bright and Shining Morning Star! With more conviction than President Ronald Reagan when he was standing at the Brandenburg Gate and declaring, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” I stand before your own “Garden of Silence” which has grown into being your own personal prison, and declare, “truth will set you free”! Just as that wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed, so will your “Garden of Silence” wither and die in response to My love cry.

Like I did with Gideon before you, I am here to love you back to faith! The desire, focus, and passion of My love is you. As your faith recovers and expands in response to our love, your lie-fed anger will no longer nourish the “Garden of Silence” and it will die, completely disappearing from your life. Will you let me prove My love to you?


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