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Made Like Me!

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Made Like Me!

My daughter, I am always fascinated by you, watching how you respond to experiences, process challenges, and establish and manage expectations. I blessed you with the dual gifts of wisdom and innocence. I designed them into you, together with My Spirit, to inform and shape your pattern of faithfulness. Innocence isn’t about not doing wrong things, Possessing innocence as a gift keeps you from surrendering to shame at those times you do experience wrong.

I formed you so that like Me, when people meet you, they will react to you in the same way they react to Me. That’s what happened with *****. I designed him to be a good man who I formed in a way that he would be attracted to Me. When he chose a path that led him away from Me, he also had to move away from you. Situations, circumstances, and relationships have repeated that pattern throughout your life. The closer you live to Me the more people respond to us in the same way.

Esther was like you, not royalty by her lineage, but royalty by her design. Forming you as royalty puts you at a huge disadvantage with anyone who once sought to love Me but has now turned aside or backed away. If they choose to turn aside from Me, they will also withdraw and distance themselves from you. I have experienced your grief as even our children have at times distanced themselves from both of us. The latest man to discover you in his search for intimacy with Me, chose to pull away from us both as fear and fragments of past intimacies clouded his vision for the prize we represent.

Like people who have no interest in a relationship with Me but feel the benefits of having My divine nature around and like Me for what My presence can do for them, you are finding that many of those same people find you desirable and like to have you around because they perceive the value your royalty brings to them and what they are doing. I have watched the rejection of you by those of My kingdom again and again as they have yet to perceive the benefits that they will experience when they live, accept, and function in proximity to someone of spiritual royalty.

As My heart observes all the events you know as memories, I see how large a role and how vastly you were shaped by being royalty. While almost everyone, including your parents, struggled to understand what they were observing in you, while at the same time, not perceiving how I formed you as royalty. Like Esther, you have faced the challenges of being royalty and have believed and worked to occupy the realm of your destiny.

Precious daughter of my heart, in the experience of deep loneliness and sorrow this season has brought you; it would represent for both of us a great loss if you were to pull away now. I made you so that it is only in nearness that I can comfort, strengthen, and share pleasure with you. I made you for close companionship with Me so I did not provide an effective alternative through which I can comfort and strengthen you through your earthly journey.

As you increase your awareness of what being royalty implies, envision yourself with a royal court: people you desire to have around you and what you expect from them as they serve Me by helping to shape the focus and expression of your royal assignment. I have made provision for them to be armor bearers, “Mordecals”, “Hegals”, and prophets of the high places to serve with you.

There are daughters coming after you who will be destined to be spiritual royalty. They don’t need to fill traditional positions to fulfill their destinies. They do need to see and learn the ways of royalty. Your life story and the journey you have traversed is important for them. I have already begun to spark your imagination, desires, and passions for identifying, raising up, and releasing daughters of spiritual royalty. Don’t be disturbed by the perception that there have not been daughters of spiritual royalty in previous generations. There have been! Much of the leadership of My Church has been structured to cancel or obscure the presence and impact of spiritual royalty. I am moving to uncover and raise them up for such a time as this!


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