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Father-Spirit Wine #3

FROM FATHER’S HEART: The Gift of Father-Spirit Wine

□ The Father-Spirit Wine redeems jealousy as a powerful force of fathering and reestablishes the gift of pity in you as a father. The combination of jealousy and pity increase your capacity for expressing passion.

□ Pity - Sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief, aid, or to show mercy.

Joel 2:18 “Then the Lord will pity his people and jealously guard the honor of his land. 19 The Lord will reply, “Look! I am sending you grain and new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy your needs. You will no longer be an object of mockery among the surrounding nations.” NLT

□ Jealousy - Being vigilant in guarding something personally precious to you.

Deut. 6:15 “…For the Lord your God Who is among you is a jealous God.” TLB

□ Pity and jealousy will stir your passion as a father causing you to act with redemptive action to any situation which threatens the life, identity, or destiny of your child.

□ Your reaction will be motivated by the pity in your heart rather than judgment of the actions of your children.

As your children begin to value and seek your pity as their father:

□ They will be able to heal from grief in times of loss.

□ They will recover stronger when faced with moments of personal struggle.

□ They will experience hope when facing the consequences of their behavior.

□ When lacking maturity or facing uncertainty and are unable to take appropriate actions they will know that acceptance and affection await them.

□ When they are unable to stay within the established security zone, restoration and affirmation will await them.

□ Jealousy will empower you to act in the best interest of your children’s destiny.

□ As your children they will encounter renewed security as they rely on their father’s jealous love.

□ As your children they will experience jealously as a powerful motivator of love rather than a deadly reaction to hurt or rejection.

Both pity and jealously are central expressions of Father God. Experiencing the liberating action of the Father-Spirit Wine causes pity and jealously to reemerge as central expressions of the heart of a father.

In tomorrow’s post, I will continue to reveal Father’s redemptive process for family restoration resulting from the Father-Spirit Wine.


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