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Father-Spirit Wine #1

THE PRESENCE, EXPRESSION, AND COMPASSION OF EARTHLY FATHERS ARE SYSTEMATICALLY BEING ELIMINATED FROM OUR GLOBAL CULTURE. This is leading us on a destructive path which will end in ashes. Cultures have adopted this course of action desiring to eliminate Father God’s presence and influence. However, to be successful, these cultures must first destroy the role of human fathers.

□ Father God, in releasing His New Thing is serving a special “wine” of Spiritual Elegance to the culture which will restore the hearts of fathers to their children while reestablishing the hearts of children to their fathers.

Mal. 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” NKJV

□ This new wine, when served up as a powerful prophetic word is a blend of all the ingredients in God’s heart that makes him Father God!

□ Father’s new wine is confrontational to the “norms” of the present culture but also rebirths the natural expressions of fathering which currently exist in the DNA of every “father”.

FROM FATHER’S HEART: The Gift of Father-Spirit Wine

With the Father-Spirit Wine you

□ Become an authorizer of life.

□ Regain your creative power of life-giving.

The most defining quality of both God and you is that you are both life givers!

□ Life-giving is more than conception.

□ As a life-giver you also:

□ Serve as a source for sustaining life in others.

□ Provide joy and significance to the lives of others.

□ Nurture growth in the lives of others.

In order for you to fulfill your father identity as a life giver, Father made you this promise.

Mat. 16:19 “I will give you the keys of heavens kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on the earth that which is released in heaven.” TPT

As your children see your father-heart being restored, and your life-giving authority functioning, their hearts will be awakened and encouraged.

They will gain comfort knowing that, not only does their life come from you, but that you can authorize life for them daily.

They will experience hope because you, as dad, are capable of sustaining life and bringing joy and significance to their life as you nurture them.

The Father-Spirit Wine reestablishes life giving to its preeminent position in your identity.


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