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Father-Heart Word Intro

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Rediscovering Your Distinctiveness Reviving Your Dignity Restoring Your Destiny


What are these things called Father-Heart words? Where do they originate from? Are they reliable? Are they something new? All these questions and many that I haven’t written about may be swelling around in your mind as we start this journey So, lets answer the questions before we press on.


The test of reliability is:

□ Does your heart begin to identify with the “word”?

□ Is God’s spirit in you and your spirit finding common agreement that the “word is revealing or describing a facet of your identity.

□ Does the “word” challenge a strongly held belief?

□ Has your family, culture, life experience, or perhaps a religious belief formed a view of you that the “word” challenges?

□ Does the “word” match a desire, dream, or passion that you already have?

□ Can you still recall dreams that you had as a child that have become obscured by your life experience but never extinguished?

□ Does the “word” confirm a prophetic word you have already believed?

□ Have you previously accepted a “word” as authentic which this new word is affirming?

□ Does the “word” stir up hope, encouragement, and call you to something more than you have experience or restore something you have lost.

□ True Father-heart words will stimulate hope and encourage you in your current circumstance. Most often a true “word” will contain a vision for more than you have experienced, provide for restoration for something that has been lost to you and strengthen your bond to heaven.

□ Does the “word” find affirmation from who Father is revealed to be in Scripture?

□ Is the Father God revealed in scripture and the Father God who is speaking into your life now consistent in His nature, heart, and love?

Scripture directs us to “test the word”

I John 4:1“Delightfully loved friends, don’t trust every spirit, but carefully examine what they say to determine if they are of God, because many false prophets have mingled into the world.” TPT


Each of us were formed in the heart of Father God before he set creation into time!

Each of us were formed with an identity and a destiny. It has always been Father’s desire for us to be blessed with an awareness of who we are in our earthbound season of our eternity. Historically, among God’s people, birth fathers would speak blessings to their sons.

(Gen. 49:1-28 is an example)

Today both our families and our culture establish an identity for us.

Most of the time it is false and serves to hinder us, render us insecure, and inadequate. So, part of our redemption by our Father is to reveal and establish in us our true identity. After generations of being slaves and having the culture of Egypt form their identity, God’s people experienced deliverance, freedom, miracles, special favor, and the presence of God yet, their “slave-formed” identity prevailed in their thinking. “we are but grasshoppers in our own eyes.” Num. 13:33

A wonderful illustration of redemptive identity is the encounter that Saul had with Jesus as he was on a mission to kill Christians in a great middle eastern city. Saul which means “sought after” is blinded by this encounter with Jesus. Saul, “sought after” is about to become Paul, “little one” and the first thing God wants him to know is his identity in Father’s heart. The events are recorded for us in Acts 9.

Just like with you, Father, before time had formed Paul, whose family had named him Saul, “sought after” as his identity. Paul’s identity as “little one” was to take God’s message to the Gentiles, to kings, and to the people of Israel while experiencing suffering for God’s name’s sake. Later in Paul’s life, when everyone who he had ministered to tried to stop him from traveling to Rome because they knew that he would be killed there. Yet, despite all of their persuasion Paul insisted on going anyway. Why? Because he knew that part of his identity was to present the gospel of Jesus to the king, so he went to Rome where the king lived. It was his destiny!

Part of my own Father-Heart identity is to be a “seed planter”. Being a seed planter is why I am engaged in this endeavor. I’m focused on planting seeds generated from Father-heart into your life believing that He has a plan for them to be nurtured and to bear the fruit of your identity. I am convinced that is why Father started revealing these “words” to me, to plant them into the hearts and minds of the one they represent. Sometimes, I know the person. Other times, I don’t know anything about them, accept their name. Often, I’ve never met them before Father reveals His heart’s desire for them.

What do you know about your identity and destiny?


The easy answer is from Father’s heart! The process isn’t as simple as that. I don’t personally know anyone else who receives words in the way I do. However, I am confident that many do, and even more are designed to received words, but haven’t yet had that ability awakened.

Although I grew up in a very traditional Christian family, five siblings in a two-bedroom house in California, I always had the ability to “know” what was going on in the lives of adults in the church I attended. Today, I would be diagnosed with learning disabilities, making school in the 1950 very challenging. My brain has never been wired to work the way “normal” brains do. However, I have always been deeply spiritual and strongly “connected” to heaven. Despite being successful, I have struggled with “belonging” and being understood in my culture. I have had hand tremors since I was young which has also complicated my relationships and my being accepted.

After fighting the battle to be “normal”, like almost everybody else, Father began to invite me near to His heart where He seemed to delight in revealing things that had been hidden there. That is when I started writing out the words. The words were not “dictated” to me but were an exchange heart to heart. Father starts sharing the thoughts of His heart and I begin to process them, discern them, and feel His affection and delight in them.

Only one time did He give me a word with a name attached that was different than the person it was really intended. After looking everywhere I went for a person named Adriana, I found that the word was actually for Aliah. I ask Father why He misled me. He simply replied, “you demanded a name before you would write anything down, so I gave you a name”. I learned this lesson from that experience; He was the one who chose me to reveal his heart to and I ought to not be making the rules.

Every “word” you will read in these emails has been given to the person it was intended, except for one. No single email will fully reveal who you are. So don’t expect your identity to be revealed by a single word. The “words” are seed that can take root in you and grow into fullness of your identity and destiny. Many of the words contain very specific events and experiences of the person’s life. I believe Father has included this information to assure their fears and answer their relentless questions that they have been asking Him about why this or that happened or didn’t happen.

Those disclosures and explanations also serve to gain understanding of how Fathers feels and loves. As humans living in our very broken world, we think love equates with protection. After all, as moms or dads ourselves a primary way we love is by protecting our children from harm. So, it seems reasonable that if God loves us, He too would be doing a lot more to prevent bad things from happening to us.

The flaw in that thinking pattern is that as Father God can redeem anything that we experience so he does not have to prevent things from happening to us. That truth is revealed again and again in almost every “word” that you will read in these emails.

“I am not the God of prevention because I can redeem anything!

That leads us to understand that redemption is a greater gift than prevention!”


The origins of our, now unending, life began in the heart, desire, and life of a father. For each of us we first came into existence in the heart of Father God before time began. As time became the central influence on all of existence, we were brought to life, through our earthly father and mothers act of conception.

Who we were formed to be in that moment, was exactly who we had always been in Father’s heart. We became alive in space and time. However, over time our perceptions and vision have been dimmed, while also the awareness of who we are has been distorted and twisted*. Because of the seasons of time and the continuing influence of generational iniquity, (Micah 2:1-2) Father God has made a move that only a heart-driven father can. He is awakening our awareness of our true identity and our place in what He is now bringing into fullness.

The obscuring and loss of our identity is most often the result of iniquities effect on our lives which causes us to believe a lie about ourselves. It started with Eve. She believed a lie that God had cheated her. God knew the difference between good and evil, but He had withheld that knowledge from her.

Eve’s Lie: God made you to be like him but he doesn’t really trust you and sees some deficiencies in you so He can’t really let you know everything He does.

Eve’s Truth: “I wasn’t made to poses knowledge of everything. I was made for an intimate living relationship with my husband and my heavenly Father.”

For others, the lie develops from the loss of their identity in the unending struggle for survival in circumstances that they appear to have no control over or escape from. We see that struggle for survival in the life of Gideon.

Gideon’s Lie: I am just trying to survive in the face of an enemy stronger than me.

Gideon’s Truth: “I am a mighty warrior destined for victory!”

Other times we lose perspective of our identity in our need to explain to ourselves why we are in the situation that we find ourselves. The Hebrew slaves leaving Egypt to pursue the promises of God, tragically reveal the effects of the lie. They all died in the wilderness because they would not let go of their lie-based identity.

Freed Slave’s Lie: “We are but grasshoppers in our own eyes.”

Freed Slave’s Truth: (Caleb) I am a man empowered by God’s promises – a possessor of what is mine!

What about you? Is it the acts of what iniquity has done to you that now forms your lie-based identity? Or, like Gideon, are life circumstances forming your lie-based belief about who you are. I know some of you now find yourself trapped in a lie-based identity because your real-life experiences are so tragic that your mind demands an explanation of why you have suffered so much and a lie, similar to the freed slaves is the only thing your mind will accept.

The goal of these emails is to help you discover and develop the truth about your identity!

Your Truth: “I am exactly who God wants me to be and I

am in the place where my life can make the most difference.

Everything I need for life and my relationship with God is available to me now.

The promises of God and the Presence of the Holy Spirit has given me victory.”

*To read more, check out John’s book “Untwisted” available for purchase in the all posts section of the website.


You all are temples of the Holy Spirit and when I see what the presence of the enemies lies have done to distort and deform you, I become angry and burn with a passion to purge the lie, so that you can be restored to the grandeur and majesty of your eternal identity.

The Holy Spirit has prepared me for this assignment:

My beloved son is known and celebrated in heaven because I fashioned him with an insatiable curiosity, an extraordinary attachment to heaven, a fondness for the heavenly realm, and a passion for the Bride and Bridegroom. All of which I crafted in his heart and mind, so he would be capable of delighting in and revealing My Father’s heart to those I bring to him.

I designed him as a priest, clothed with a spiritual “Living Garment of Liberation”. I formed him with the spirit of John the Baptist which causes him to explore, discover and plant seed in My church and in the lives of My people. I shaped him to influence the Bride Church to not only return to its first love but to pursue My “new thing” even as he continues to discover more ways to woo the wayward back to My love.

Again, expanding on our last email, here are some identity truths that continues to develop in my life.

□ I am a righteous man, part of Father’s covenant family, sharing the same place in My Father’s heart and covenant that Jacob and all his descendants do.

□ The Spirit of God has gained the right to unrestricted access to me and in return has offered me unrestricted access to all that He is.

□ Father is not the source or cause, of my troubles, limitations, or restrictions. He is fully engaged with establishing a bond of unity between His desires for me and my personal

desires for me.

□ My life is expressed and influenced by both my place on the earth and my place in heaven making me free to participate in the activities and shape the atmosphere of both.

□ I am developing an expression of life here on the earth where my bond with heaven daily effects earth’s reality.

As redeemed people, we have permitted ourselves to be duped by the lies of the Devil,

the lies of our culture, and often by the lies of those who have authority over us.

We have embraced an identity that is formed from lies and I’m here because

I am angry enough to do something about it and I want to stimulate your anger as well!


Because You Are Eternal:

Before time God designed you for all time making you eternal! Eternity has always been one of the strongest parts of my identity and it has never diminished or been obscured by lies. What about you and your identity? How strong is eternity in your sense of who you are?

Because God See You As A Gift:

We are formed to be a gift that God is giving to Himself. We are made as a gift through whom He makes His nature and Kingdom known. He crafted us as a gift to His family (the church) making it complete and uniting us as gifts to each another. Additionally, Father has always viewed us as a gift to Jesus (the bride) to be His eternal reward.

Because You Were Made For Relationship:

Identity is vital to any relationship working. The most vital relationship in our earthly life is with the Holy Spirit. Sadly, it often doesn’t work out well because, not knowing our own identity, we expect Him to do things for us that are not His assignment.

Because Without Knowing Your Identity, You Will Never Fulfill Your Destiny Or Know Real Victory:

Father formed each of us to have a Spiritual Elegance. After all, we are made in His image. That Spiritual Elegance is established in our identity, our mission, and purpose.

It is one of the reason the lie is so debilitating to us. The lie is designed to destroy our drive to live up to who He meant us to be. He has given each of us a passion to prove who we are – our identity. The lie leaves us no reason to prove our identity or to achieve our destiny.

Knowing and embracing our identity empowers us to live up to and express fully the unique majesty of who we are! Father not only designed us with a unique identity, but he also built into us the power to defer gratification so that we could develop and grown into who we were destined to be. Without the ability to defer gratification we can never achieve a mature, secure, and settled awareness of who we are.

The experience of Eve in the garden, is a great illustration. The lie she believed was, God has withheld something from me, and I can get it now by eating the fruit he had forbidden me to eat. Attaining to a position of equality with God was attractive to her and because the opportunity to do it right now was presented, she took the short cut.

We see the same pattern again in the temptation of Jesus. The offer (temptation) was, “there is an easier way for you to be you, Jesus. Take the short cut and you will still be Jesus.”

The fact that Father formed in each of us the ability to defer gratification for the purpose of our identities being formed in us in the manor and through the experiences He had planned for us is the reason His enemy uses temptations designed to offer an attractive short cut to gratification now.

Our current cultures agenda is to convince us that we better do it now by shortening the time frame for fulfillment to only our earth-bound experiences. In the process they make every short cut attractive for us to pursue, causing us to miss what our loving Father has designed for us in His heart before time.

Deferred gratification is a vital reality for those who, by their design, are eternal. Thus, there is plenty of time for us to find joy and fulfillment in our identity – all eternity!


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