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Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Explorer, Scout, Surveyor!

Finding a way, making, and marking a way that others can follow, and taking possession of unclaimed territory as your own, is both your legacy and a reflection of your life as an explorer, scout, and surveyor. You keep opening paths for others to follow, broaden, and possess. There will continue to be many who discover the inheritance that they didn’t know was theirs until you opened a pathway for them.

I watched, how as a young man, you struggled so hard to walk in the paths laid out for you by, well-intentioned people. Even with your sincere commitment and honest effort, their established paths were never going to be a good fit for you. In your attempt to make the “marked path life” work, you attempted to compensate for the struggle of walking in a path marked by someone else by secretly leaving the path to discover what was else was out there. I had so formed your identity that even when your explorer, scout, surveyor, personality led you into the morass of places you were never designed to inherit, you kept pushing on. Eventually you would discover that there was nothing there to inherit so you would work to find your way back. That became your pattern because I didn’t form you for just anything you could find or experience. I formed you to possess your inheritance.

Your life has worked out the way it has because I didn’t set a mission before you, rather I offered you an inheritance to be possessed. Because of the nature and size of your inheritance I also set in motion My plan to have many others possess it with you. Thus, you are crafted to be an explorer, scout, and surveyor.

Knowing that you would always be drawn to exploration and discovery I designed your wife to be a homing device. Her affection and desire for home always had you coming back. Right? See it did work! Without her you could have been like the puppy who puts its nose to the ground and without paying any attention to where it goes, pursues the “smell”.

This next season of your life is beginning to emerge, and you are positioned to enjoy the “fruits of favor”. Stay connected to the streams that flow with favor. Be focused on and nurture the relationships that are moving with life-enriching favor. Seek new relationships where favor can develop and flourish. Listen for descriptions of you that include “he is a senior advisor, he is one of our older brothers, he is still relevant, and we keep him around because he keeps us focused.” The provision for the future is found in the communities where you walk in favor so don’t walk away from favor, My son.

As the season unfolds when you will be completing your earthly journey you will be making a clear path for others to follow you. Even when your home coming is approaching you will be straining, obsessed to get a glimpse of the lights of Glory before you arrive to make sure you are marking a path for others who are yet to come. Before that time comes, there will be others joining you on your journey (some related to you, others just sojourners with you,) who will begin to desire your mantel. Invite Me to teach you the gift of mantel passing.

Since you ask to hear from me, this is the time for us to talk about why you and your wife had to cross through your personal “valley of the shadow of death”. You are currently hiking, and you understand that if you are walking on one mountain ridge and need to be on the next ridge to stay on course, you must pass through a valley to get there. The ridge that man’s ways had allotted to you was the ridge where men walk in the paths others have laid out for them. I had designed you to walk on the ridge where you pioneer the path, thereby making a way for others to follow. There was no other way for Me to get you off that first ridge without using your secretive adventures to get you kicked off that ridge.

I was keenly aware that you could easily get stuck in the valley and end up dwelling there, but I was confident in how I formed you and had put you and her together. I knew that I would see you on the ridge I destined you for! Besides, I never left you, and I recruited some others to journey with you so that getting stuck or distracted in the valley would be a lot less likely outcome for you. So, there you go, that is what happened.

Son, every time the prophetic singers raise their voice in worship this line causes My heart to be moved on your behalf. You have found favor here.

Ps 47:4 He’s marked out your* inheritance ahead of time, putting you* in the front of the line, honoring Jacob, the one he loves. TPT *Personalized

Like Jacob before you, My son, you are one of My promise-filled sons, unique, complexed, driven, and setup for an inheritance. As long as you have breath, I will draw delight from you. I am honored as you seek your inheritance and, in the process, you hear, the applause of heaven resounding. As you journey through the balance of your days, you continue contributing joy and pleasure to Me and to the atmosphere of heaven.


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