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Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

My Tender Daughter!

My tender daughter, fear sought you out from the moment of your conception - first in your mother, for you, and then deep in your own soul. Fear played on the vulnerability of your tender heart, hollowing out a place for itself. The work of fear established a hole in your delicate heart that is now always in need of filling.

I, like you, are an idealist, perfectionist, and romantic. It delights heaven that you desire so many things that I desire. They often say here about you that “she is approaching that with the same desire, passion and actions that you would,” A big difference between us is I am supremely confident, while fear has surrounded and captured your confidence.

From the time your future husband first engaged in your life, his presence and confidence have compensated for both your fear-driven, heart hole and your captured confidence. You feel a wholeness with him and a gaping vulnerability without him.

Driven by My delight in you and My joy at how I made you, I have moved again and again to restore the damage that fear created in you. Each time I would end up smiling as the idealistic, perfectionist, romantic that you would rise up and try to help me “fix” your situation.

Without you understanding it, each time you made efforts to “help”, you would block My move. Each time I would smile at your skill, determination, and the precision of your moves. As your Father, I was delighted and thrilled as only a Father can be watching a child of His heart pursuing who they are. I would simply wait for the next opportunity to restore you to your wholeness.

You see, daughter, there is a reason why you can’t “help” me restore you. Nor can your husband provide you with anything but temporary relief. I built into you from the beginning a “reservoir of life” that only I am able to release that will fill the fear-hole in your heart with real life.

Like my resurrection I have a resurrection for your life. There is a song that I had written, “Then Came The Morning.” It describes the thrill of hope and renewed confidence that came with my resurrection. That same thrill of hope will come with the resurrection of your confidence and the banishment of fear from your life.

My daughter, you can’t help me do for you what I already set in place in you. I desire to journey with you into your fear-hole, so you can watch Me move the stone that will release the living water of life which I have stored in the cisterns of your spirit. It will flood your heart, banish your fears, and renew your confidence until it overflows in transformation of everything you touch, embrace, or bless.


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