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Bride Preparation! #6

Experience passionate, shameless, face-to-face expression of our love and affection with our King in the view of others.

□ Iniquity’s destructive influence on our lives often came first under the pretense of love, affectation, and intimacy. So, when it comes to getting ready to become the “Bride” of a king, our twisted emotions, restricted affections, and expressions of passion must first be redeemed to father’s perfection and then be restored in our lives.

The Bride’s Wine is formulated to redeem and restore our emotions, affections, and passions!

By creating a passionate desire in you to waltz with the King.

□ When we indulge in The Bride’s Wine, it will resurrect our deep longing and passion-driven desire to become intimate with Jesus, our Bridegroom.

□ Because expressing our passion for Jesus had been surrendered

or restricted by iniquity, it didn’t seem safe, viable, or even wise to

take the risk of being violated again.

By disrupting culture’s system that shaped you causes that system to begin a downward spiral.

□ The outcome of more of us becoming partakers of The Bride’s Wine will be that our culture will withdraw its support of our personal life support system and quickly expose the reality that our life system has always been our mortal enemy.

□ The decision we need to make about taking waltzing lessons will be helped along by the reality that a large portion of our known “support system” is gone.

By disrupting the norms of the system you have formed causes failure to begin to happen.

□ If we develop an unquenchable desire for The Bride’s Wine, a passionate, shameless, face-to-face love for Jesus will begin. That will signal the Holy Spirit that it is alright to start dismantling our self-constructed system of life to make room for all that the Bride preparation is going to accomplish in us.

By dismantling your survival system in exchange for a life of joy, peace, and fulfillment.

□ The Holy Spirit begins taking apart our survival system which has become an adversary to our growing desire to waltz with the King of Kings!

Having never seen or experienced a season of Spiritual Elegance; Father say to come and learn to waltz with My Spirit!

The next posting will introduce the third expression of the Father’s New Thing, the establishment of a clear distinction between the righteous and the unrighteous.


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