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Bride Preparation! #5

The Bride’s Wine SHAPING YOU AS A BRIDE. The two most transformational and challenging dimensions of Bride preparation which the Holy Spirit of Victory desires to complete in us are today’s and tomorrow's subject. Both have to do with being on display, sometimes before a critical and even hostile audience.

Put ourselves on display with an ease of motion and simple beauty that will attract the nations to join us.

□ Presenting myself before others has become of much greater importance to me as I have come to accept that being on display is an unavoidable reality of becoming a bride. It is not about what people think of me but more a question of, are they seeing me as I really am.

□ Does my honest transparency and unfiltered identity (who God designed me to be) seem attractive and express hope to those I meet?

□ I was awe struck at the ease with which those I saw waltzing could display such passion as they danced together before an audience.

□ What I’m sure was once timidity on their part grew into confidence.

□ They had started out to learn a dance and, in the process, they became a dancer!

□ Developing the ease of being who we were formed to be and expressing the simple beauty of our identity are Father’s focus in this marriage preparation season to which we’ve been invited.

Am I prepared to be put on public display in an intimate way?

The next posting continues our examination of the Bride's preparation.


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