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Bride Preparation! #2


So, Father desires to train me up to serve His Church as He prepares His Church to be a Bride. I am astounded He wants me, Really? ME? to learn to waltz with “His Spirit of Victory” until I am qualified to carry out His plans for preparing the Bride.

□ I sense Father’s desires to keep me vital and productive in the Kingdom. He keeps provoking my curiosity as an explorer and stimulating my focus as the seer He designed me to be. Even now, I am aware of Him rousing the forerunner spirit of John the Baptist that He placed into my life, beckoning me to join Him to help usher others into this Bride-preparation season of history.

□ What role has Father reserved for you in this New Thing of Bride preparation? Where is He provoking you to engage?

□ To enroll as a student in the “Father’s Finishing School”?

□ Serve as a co-instructor or student assistant to the lead instructor, the Spirit of Victory?

□ To be a student recruiter enrolling others?

□ Or how about a cheerleader establishing an atmosphere of hope, desire, and eternal life for other students.

□ In the process of preparing a bride for a king, the story of Queen Esther lays out a process. The preparation of the bride becomes even more fraught with challenges and risks because this time it is not an individual being prepared to be a queen, but it is us, all together, as the Church, becoming the Bride!

□ To prepare Esther, God raised up a servant of the king. His name was Hegai,

□ Hegai was intimately aware of all the king’s desires.

□ So, any of the women who would receive from Hegai’s own intimate knowledge of the king would improve their chances of eventually being chosen queen.

□ Hegai’s preparation of Esther and the other women competing to become queen is a wonderful picture of how the Holy Spirit has now been commissioned to prepare us, the Church, to one day become the Bride of the eternal King!

□ As an explorer, seer, and seed planter; I am beginning to understand why I am being offered the opportunity to come and learn to “waltz” with the King!

□ What about you? Is Father desiring to redeem something in your life, thus freeing you to partner with the “Spirit of Victory” and enabling you to participate in this season of Bride preparation by instigating a new expression of Spiritual Elegance?

Do you have an answer to my question right above?

Don’t miss the next post where I will continue to reveal the process of the Bride’s preparation. You are welcome to message me at any time to further the conversation.


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