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Bride Preparation! #1

TODAY, WE BEGIN TO REVEAL THE PLEASURE THAT AWAITS US IN THE PROCESS OF OUR BRIDE PREPARATION. It is as if Father has founded a spiritual “Finishing School” with the lead instructor being the Holy Spirit of Victory preparing us for our eternal role as the Bride of the King.

The Bride’s Wine calls us to waltz with the Spirit.

□ The New Testament establishes that the ultimate expression of the Church is witnessed, experienced, and expressed in the process of preparing itself to become the Bride of Jesus Christ.

Rev. 19:7 Let us rejoice and exalt him and give him glory, because the wedding celebration of the Lamb has come. And his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, shining bright and clear, has been given to her to wear, and the fine linen represents the righteous deeds of his holy believers.” TPT

□ Father’s “finishing school” is designed to prepare us:

□ To move with a grace at a level greater than we have experienced to date!

□ When the waltz was introduced to the world more than 200 years ago, it took dance expression way beyond anything dancers had experienced previously.

□ To express ourselves with a fluidity of expression not previously experienced by us.

□ One unique characteristic of the waltz which distinguished it from earlier dance expressions was that with the waltz the dancers engaged at a deeper and more emotional, personal, and intimate way than the culture had encountered.

□ To step to the sound, rhythm, and movement generated by Heaven.

□ Just like the music written to waltz to has a specific sound, rhythm, and movement, so does Heaven.

□ To put ourselves on display with an ease of motion and simple beauty that will attract the nations to join us.

□ I (John)have become more interested than ever at how I present myself as I move through life. I’m not necessarily concerned with how people view me but rather that they have a real opportunity to receive me as I really am.

□ To experience passionate, shameless, face-to-face expressions of our love and affection with our King while others observe.

□ Much of iniquity’s destructive influence on our lives came first in the guise of love, promised affection, and intimacy. So, when it comes to getting ready to become the “Bride” of a king, our twisted emotions, restricted affections, and expressions of passion must be redeemed and restored. Thus, Father is pouring out “new wine”

Is there something about Spiritual Elegance that is stirring inside you?

Keep watching for tomorrow’s post as I continue to reveal the nature of the Bride’s preparation. Because this may be your first time considering the preparation of the Bride, you are welcome to message me at any time to further the conversation.


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