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A Family Dynasty!

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

A Family Dynasty!

You have a wonderful and complex design which is loaded with features that can propel you above and beyond the established and the normal! I have journeyed with you through your life-long struggle to conform to established norms so that you would be able to experience acceptance although you have repeatedly failed to experience either conformity (normality) or acceptance.

Captivated by your pursuit for acceptance you have been robbed of the fulfillment that awaits you above and beyond what your father has attained in his life. I have watched you again and again as a child and as a teenager trying to “get” involved and “engaged “with what your father, your namesake, was saying, doing, and building. Each time you would run into a wall, fail, and experience great disappointment in the reality that you couldn’t conform. You couldn’t engage.

As Father, I am often misunderstood by mankind. Just as often My desire for something is resisted by both internal and external forces. That is really true every time I have chosen to raise up a family dynasty to advance My kingdom. You, son, are a link in a dynasty just as Your father is. He ran, resisted, and chased his internal desires, and twisted his design until he had exhausted himself and fell into Me.

I respond to him with faithful love, restoring, releasing, and redeeming him. The beginning of his story seems to continue in your story. Can you accept and engage with the reality that you were not made to fit into your fathers shadow but rather to rest on his legacy of intimacy, truth, and dreams? If you can embrace that plan, you and your siblings will go higher and further than your parents advancing the impact and influence of your families legacy.

I have not yet been allowed to stop your relentless pursuit of chasing after acceptance and belonging, but I have, like I did with my favored servant Balaam, kept blocking your way, impending your pursuit, until you are ready for Me to open the way and unleash you into the “above and beyond” which I have shaped and formed you for. Your grandmother and mother have known what I am now revealing to you in their hearts for a long time. They and I have often spoken of it, with them reminding me of My promises concerning you.

Your dynasty isn’t built on your father’s ministry. It’s foundations are your father’s desire for intimacy, his passion for what is born of faith to become reality, and his quest for truth, all of which I wrapped up in the Joseph-inspired, dreamer I made him to be. Like your father before you, I have always known your longings. I formed you for those longings. You have always pursued the possibilities more than investing in the reality of what already is. Your passions and desires are destined to find their highest, most rewarding expressions, as they become married in your inner being with the legacy that I have orchestrated for you to engage with and experience.

I have uniquely shaped you to go further, to build a more formidable presence in the world than your father has, while increasing the capacity of your family to love more than ever before, while bring your legacy into sharper focus for the next generation after you.


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