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Spiritual Doorman

Revealing Your Spiritual Elegance!

Spiritual Doorman!

If I had ever been a child, I would have been one that colored outside the lines. So, you live in a universe where lines exist but, so does reality exist beyond those lines. Some people are restrained by the lines; others pursue what is beyond the lines and some even pursue the expansion of where I have already colored beyond the lines. Space explorers, science fiction writers, many musicians, and philosophers live in the realm beyond the lines.

Son, this truth about Me gets passed over very often, especially by those for whom lines represent safety and security. I am, in My nature and essence, a Creator of things that never existed. I introduced Myself first to humanity with this description, “In the beginning God (that’s Me) created…” Before I revealed anything else about Me to mankind, I established that I color outside the lines! Why should all this be important to you? Because I formed you to serve as a doorman to the areas where I have colored outside the lines.

That is why, when you pastored, you struggled so hard with those who could not or would not adventure, with you beyond the lines. Your own sons have often been your training tools. One likes the lines, finds security in the lines, and the other, not so much! As a doorman, I have sent you to serve those who are drawn to the areas I have colored that are outside the lines. Your fulfillment is experienced in ushering others into discovering and experiencing Me outside the lines.

Many need the security that the lines provide, and they will not be drawn to you, nor will you find success in serving them. I designed you to be ok with that. I never made you responsible to guard the border (the line). I shaped you with the charm, wit and grace of a doorman not the brawn, resistance, and restraint of a border guard working for some totalitarian government. Those who find security and fulfillment inside the lines worship Me and trust Me for what I have done. Those who go for the places I have colored outside the lines know that their security and fulfillment is experienced in the “not yets” of My presence.

It matters which side of the line you live on. If your assignment were to keep people inside the lines, you would need to remain and live inside the lines. When a shepherd is assigned to care for and mature people to live inside the lines and they start to live outside the lines, their position of effectiveness is compromised. Their actions end up infecting many in their care, weakening the effectiveness of the lines to provide the clarity and security they need, while elevating the effectiveness of fear in in being able to shut down the expression of the people.

Since your assignment is to usher people beyond the lines, you are designed to live in proximity to the line but in the same area where I have colored outside the lines. My son the king, David, lived in the same region I have made you to live and thrive in. Some of his actions outside the line caused me to have to do some more “coloring outside the line”! I am able to do that because I can redeem anything. It would help you to stop fretting so much about your “line-violating” children if you would let Me increase My redemptive character in you. It would also make you more effective in your “doorman” service.

There is also much outside the lines that I have not colored. Without sons and daughters like you, serving as doormen, those who have only lived inside the lines but are drawn to what lays beyond the lines are left vulnerable to the enemy’s pattern of luring them into territory that I have not colored. As a doorman you are placed on the frontline of the cosmic spiritual battle for supremacy in the hearts of people. With so many in your culture “searching” now, this is the hour for My doormen to shine.

Son, the greater your conviction is as to your own identity and expression, the more affective you will be as a spiritual doorman. Your confidence will draw more people to you, opening a way for their own spiritual experience and expression to expand. This is an area of apostolic ministry that has been largely neglected, the opening of territory which I have colored outside the lines, which is designed to be shaped and experienced by My people’s presence there. My son who you know as the apostle Paul, spent his ministry life as an advocate for My people to live in the uncharted territory of the “New Covenant”. That is one of the places where I had colored outside the lines! Perhaps, son, you will aspire to share that same apostolic mission with him.


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